Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WELCOME 2012!!!!

This year is going to be full of beauty, style, and glamor. The All-New Hit or Miss segment is now viewed here instead if my Face Book page. So..... all my bloggers, view, and add ItmustBDonna here at itmustbdonna.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Christmas Slut - 103.5 KTU


 This website www.ioffer.com has been a "God Sent" for International Fashion. These 4 dress including shipping were $117.00. 

Go check them out!!!!

Who actually wants to smell like a Grenade?? Im going to Hell.....

Have you seen Snooki lately?

Snooki is draining her 3 Seasons of Jersey Shore out of us.....

So far she has been doing her thing. Lets Salute to GTL'in, and tanning everywhere.  Go check out her new perfume, in store near a gym, the beach and a bar near you: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/5c601afa41/the-scent-of-snooki


Gordon Biersch is one of those cool spots for football, a mini get together after work and dinner on a Saturday evening before going to a lounge or a club. Located in Rockville, Md, Downtown, DC and Annapolis, Md starting December 13- 24th, they have awesome deals when dinning in.

Start saving now: http://www.gordonbiersch.com/GBonline/HolidayCheer/Coupons/GB-HolidayCheer-Coupons.pdf (Print out Coupons)